macro_rules! atoms_struct { ( $(#[$outer:meta])* $vis:vis struct $Atoms:ident { $( $(#[$fmeta:meta])* $fvis:vis $field:ident => $name:tt $( only_if_exists = $only_if_exists:expr)?, )* } ) => { ... }; }
Expand description
An helper macro that generate a struct of atoms.
The struct provide a constructor intern_all
that takes a Connection
as parameter,
interns all the atoms and return xcb::Result<[struct name]>
takes advantage of XCB asynchronous design by sending all the
requests before starting to wait for the first reply.
Fields that refer to atoms not existing in the server are set to x::ATOM_NONE
(i.e. only_if_exists
is always set to true
Both the struct and each field can receive visibility attributes.
xcb::atoms_struct! {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct Atoms {
pub wm_protocols => b"WM_PROTOCOLS",
pub wm_del_window => b"WM_DELETE_WINDOW",
/// Supported EWMH hints
pub net_supported => b"_NET_SUPPORTED",
// You can also explicitly set the `only_if_exists` argument when interning
// each atom with the following syntax (the default is `true`):
pub custom_atom => b"MY_CUSTOM_ATOM" only_if_exists = false,
fn main() -> xcb::Result<()> {
// ...
let atoms = Atoms::intern_all(&conn)?;
conn.check_request(conn.send_request_checked(&x::ChangeProperty {
mode: x::PropMode::Replace,
property: atoms.wm_protocols,
r#type: x::ATOM_ATOM,
data: &[atoms.wm_del_window],
// ...